The hotly anticipated fight between David Benavidez and Caleb Plant will be the main event of the Showtime pay-per-view extravaganza. The long-standing animosity between the two fighters will finally come to a head at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas on March 25th.

This high-stakes showdown is expected to be an explosive and intense battle, as both boxers will be vying for the chance to prove their dominance and come out on top. They simultaneously boast impressive records and skills in the ring and have a point to prove.

Benavidez, who is only 26 years old, currently holds the WBC interim super-middleweight title and boasts an impressive undefeated record of 26 wins, 23 of which were by knockout. Meanwhile, Caleb Plant is No.1-ranked by both WBC and WBA, as well as No.2-ranked by WBO and No.3-ranked by IBF.

In what promises to be a thrilling and closely contested matchup, David Benavidez and Caleb Plant, both former super-middleweight champions, will face off in a bid to regain their title. 'Sweet Hands' only loss came at the hands of boxing superstar Canelo Alvarez in 2021. Plant was previously a champion himself but lost his title in his only defeat two years ago.

Benavidez, on the other hand, has had a tumultuous journey, having been stripped of his title in 2018 for testing positive for cocaine. Although he won it back, he lost it again in 2020 after failing to make weight in a fight against Roamer Alexis Angelo.

With a title shot at stake, both fighters will be giving it their all in this make-or-break matchup as they strive to regain their championship belt and solidify their place among the top super-middleweights in the world.

Caleb Plant vs David Benavidez: Tickets and PPV prices

To witness the keenly awaited showdown between David Benavidez and Caleb Plant, fans will need to pay $74.99 for the Showtime Pay-Per-View event. This will give fans access to a live broadcast of the fight, as well as exclusive behind-the-scenes content and expert commentary from some of the biggest names in boxing.

While some fans may be disappointed with the price point, it's worth noting that the event promises to be a must-see for any boxing enthusiast. The boxing event will take place at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, which has a capacity of up to 16,800 spectators.

While fans can watch the fight from the comfort of their own homes via Showtime Pay-Per-View, those wanting to experience the excitement of the event live can purchase tickets starting at $104, which are almost sold out through TicketSmarter. Prices for the event range from $200 and are filling up quickly, with fans eager to secure their spot in the highly anticipated fight.

Those looking for a more exclusive experience can opt for the VIP package, which costs $3,387 and includes premium seating and exclusive access to the pre-fight weigh-in and post-fight press conference.

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