The Burning Man Event in Remnant 2 is one of the Events within the third-person shooter. For those unaware, an Event in the game showcases various outcomes depending on your actions. You will still be rewarded with loot for whichever path you choose for a specific event. Remember that not all Events in Remnant 2 will be present in a single playthrough.

As for The Burning Man Event, the scenario is about a hanged man in the Butcher’s Quarter about to be burned. You must choose to either save him or do nothing and watch him get charred.

To that end, we will detail the possible outcomes of this event, including the rewards you can collect.

The Burning Man Event in Remnant 2: Opted to save the man

Take out those enemies with torches. (Credits: Gunfire Games)

If you chose to save the man from getting burned, you better be ready to defend the fellow as enemies will come rushing in to light him up. You must also be watchful of the baddies that carry torches as they’ll be eyeing the pile of wood underneath the hanged man. Need not worry since it’s not an entire horde that will be attacking on this Burning Man Event Outcome.

After successfully defending the hanged man, you will be rewarded with the Shadeskin Trait. This Remnant 2 Trait increases resistance to Elemental Status Effect Damage up to 20% (max level).

The man (the Dran) will then reveal the reason why he was about to get burned. Talking to him will earn you the Dran Memento, a ring and accessory in Remnant 2. The ring increases your max stamina by 20, while your encumbrance will be decreased by five.

The Burning Man Event in Remnant 2: Watch the Dran get burned alive

Now, if you choose to do nothing, the hanged man will meet a fiery end. You’ll still get the Shadeskin Trait for this Burning Man Event outcome in Remnant 2.

After watching it unfold, go to the checkpoint and head to where the Dran was burned. You’ll notice that a skinny pig is eating the Dran’s burnt remains. Kill it, and it will drop another ring/accessory known as the Singed Ring. The ring increases all damage dealt to burning enemies by 10%. It is said to be hot to the touch but, surprisingly, does not burn its wearer.

While these rings buff whoever wears them, keep in mind that you can only equip four of these at a time.

There you have it. The possible outcomes and the rewards you’ll get in The Burning Man Event. Check out Sportskeeda for more gaming tips, guides, and features on other third-person shooters and soulslike titles.

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